As much as we hate to admit it, there are only a few weeks left of that glorious Summer sun, so now is the perfect time to prep yourself right into Autumn. For all your Autumn essentials and skincare needs, you're going to have to stick around and get ready with the gals down here at The Scouse Bird Shop.
That PERFECT Autumn hoodie
We all have that one hoodie that we throw on to make us feel better about the cold weather, early mornings, coming home from work, that time of the month, being hungover.. yeah that hoodie you know the one.
Well, I hate to break it to you guys and gals but it's time to replace that hoodie and get yourself a gorgeous super soft replacement. Trust me once you get one of our hoodies you'll never go back so get yours here.
Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for our super scouse Autumn design dropping soon.
The Eco Queen's Dream Mug
I can't be the only one who point-blank refuses to get out of bed on time as soon as the weather drops by literally 2 degrees. I regret it every single morning because I always have to sacrifice my morning coffee to make sure I actually get to work on time. So what if you could be lazy but make it Eco-Friendly. These absolutely stunning Huski travel cups made from recycled Rice Husk (yeah, I know.. next level eco god) are IDEAL for lazy Autumn mornings. Available in three colours make sure you get yours here, these bad boys sell out fast.
Bonus points for taking it to a chain coffee shop and getting discount coffee for bringing your own cup. You. Are. Welcome.
Self-Care the Scouse Bird way
As much as we love a good crunchy leaf pile and Pumpkin Spice latte there's no denying that Autumn loves to seriously mess up our soft summer skin. But, how about cracking open a good book in a really hot bath with a gorgeous bath bomb to keep your skin all soft and lovely, then you chuck on a gold foil sheet mask and light a fit candle... I mean, is ANYTHING ever better than that? Get your self-care essentials here and here
Umbrellas but Make Them Fashion
Be honest though the absolute worst part about Autumn is rain the only thing it's good for is the garden and even then you can't go out and cut the grass. So instead of wasting time with boring housework and a poor attempt at gardening, grab a Liverpool Skyline umbrella and go for a walk in your local park and just embrace all the crunchy leaves and orange-ness... get yours here
Bonus points for us
You don't have to cancel your night out now 'cause it's teeming. We've got foldaway skyline umbrellas to fit perfectly in your bag, go get wrecked but not rained on with this bad boy
Mug filled Magic
So you've just got home from work, you're freezing cold (but not soaking 'cause you bought a fit skyline umbrella... we gotchu boo) the house is cold and it's proper dark outside, what are you supposed to do? Hot Chocolate... obviously! But did you even make a hot chocolate if the mug isn't good enough for the gram? Don't get mugged off, we've got the fittest selection of mugs available right here.
That's how a true Scouse Bird gets themselves Autumn ready. Make sure you fill up on Pumpkin Spice and wrap up warm, and remember to keep an eye out for our new Autumn jumper design.