Life can get a bit hectic sometimes balancing work, your social life, running round after kids if you have them- so keeping on top of your shit isn't always dead straightforward. So I put together the #LifeGoals kit- a care package with all of the tools you need to get your life in order. It includes products designed specifically to help you look after yourself, that force you to take that little bit of "me" time whilst balancing that busy schedule...
Gratitude Journal
A happy mind is a healthy mind. However, when our busy lives get on top of us, it can be easy to stress and focus on the negative aspects of life, rather than being thankful for all of the positive things. The gratitude journal allows you to note down and reflect on things that were proper boss that day, and to look forward to tomorrow and how you can make that day fab too. It also has a little section to share the love, where you can declare somebody you feel like being extra lovely to. It allows you to stop and focus on all of those little positive things that happen throughout your day, that are probably overshadowed in your mind by the odd negative thing. Yeah you spilt coffee down your fresh white blouse and stood in a fat puddle getting out your car, BUT you got a cheeky smile off the fit lad from the IT department, the miserable cow who usually sits next to you was off sick and your boss has started sending the new girl on the coffee run rather than you every five minutes. See? silver linings.
So now your mind is in order, lets move on to body...
Food Diary
Whether you're wanting to lose weight, or just eat better, it's likely you'll need to make some changes to your everyday life and routine. It takes 2 minutes to note down what you're eating in the Food Diary- an easy way for you to track, and just be a little more aware of exactly what you're consuming each day. The food diary is compatible with most diets- Slimming World, Weight Watches, calorie counting, and has sections to tot up your calorie/syn intake, record how much water you're drinking, and most importantly, plan your meals to come- which is half the battle IMO.
Weight Loss Tracker Sign
Having a visual reminder of your weight loss journey is a great way to stay motivated. The weight loss sign allows you to track how much weight you've lost so far this week, and the weight you've lost all together since you started dieting. You can hang it near where the biscuits are kept as a little reminder that you are a strong, independent boss babe, who don't need no junk food.
Diamond Topped Pen
"Well Steph, what am I going to write in all of these lovely notebooks with??" I hear you ask. One of my fit Diamond Topped pens of course! Because nothing is more motivating than sexy stationery. The pens have "Swerve robbin' me pen" on the side, just so none of those jealous pen meffs get any ideas.
So there you have it! All of the tools you need to get your life in order. The #LifeGoals kit comes in one of my fab Scouse Bird tote bags which are eco friendly and reusable, a rather glam upgrade to any old tatty plazzy bag, so not only are you looking after yourself, you're looking after the planet too. The #LifeGoals Kit is £27.99, saving you £14.46 if you were to buy the products separately. Seriously, are you still here? Go and grab one before they're gone!
Namaste bitches