Anyone with a smartphone is probably a bit phone obsessed, it's not hard to be when your phone costs hundreds of pounds, plus Instagram and Facebook aren't going to share themselves around the group chat are they?
If you're one of these people, you should probably keep reading to find out the top 5 products that are perfect for you!
The moment your iPhone wire breaks a week after you’ve bought it and your rage knows no bounds… Our Rose Gold Metal Wire Charger to the rescue! Because it’s wire wrapped, it helps stop your wire breaking so quickly. You’ll now have a gorgeous coloured charger and we swear it’ll last more than a week!
When you’re already late, your bag is chocka and your phones on 20%, low and behold, you forgot your charger…lets all laugh. Bring in the 2 in 1 tassel charger! We don’t just support the iPhone club we got Androids back too! Always on your bag, never able to forget it & best of all you can charge a mates phone too!
Why does everyone on Instagram seem to have perfectly lit selfies? Did they make a deal with the devil or something? Honestly, they probably did, but you don’t have to do that. With our amazing Double Sided LED Selfie Case, you can have perfectly lit selfies all the time! And, because it’s double-sided, it’s perfect for hairdressers and MUA’s too to show off all their boss work!
Oh wow, wouldn’t it be boss if my phone decided for once to stay standing up whilst I’m trying to watch something whilst cooking me tea! Yeah, that’s never gonna happen… But it could with our Kickstand, okay we sell 3 gorgeous styles, the greatest thing about these, they fit every phone and are useable on all cases swell including our selfie ones… huzzah.
The never-ending fear of dropping your phone on your face in bed, well how am I supposed to eat talk and hold my phone whilst I watch Kylie’s baby video for the hundredth time? Well, we got you covered again! With our Wearable Phone Frame, you can sit in bed and watch anything, anytime, anywhere, without that fear of dropping your phone ever again.
We've solved all our modern day phone obsessive problems! Ultimate game changers so get them while you can xoxo